E. coli Antisera

SSI Diagnostica offers E.coli antisera for serotyping of all O antigens. 

An important tool in diagnosis, monitoring and testing

Over the last few decades, a number of new E. coli pathogens have been identified, e.g. VTEC (verocytotoxin-producing E. coli) and EPEC (enteropathogenic E. coli). This has increased the need for E. coli serotyping, as an important tool in diagnosis, monitoring and testing.

Antisera from SSI Diagnostica are for in vitro use in human, veterinary and food laboratories. All antisera are produced in accordance with internationally recognised methods dating back to the time of Fritz Kauffmann, Ida Ørskov and Frits Ørskov, combined with the knowledge accumulated since then.

All antisera are polyclonal and are produced by immunising rabbits with well-defined reference strains. For antisera, wherever practicable, the reaction is made specific by absorption. All finished products are tested against a large number of strains.

  • Comprehensive antisera range to serotype all know E. coli strains
  • High quality and technical support
  • CE-marked (except for the E. coli K antisera)

E.coli Antisera Solutions

E. coli O antisera for use with boiled culture

E. coli O antisera consist of polyclonal antibodies, produced in rabbits. The antisera are used for serotyping of all 188 E. coli O antigens. Serotyping is important for surveillance, control and fighting diseases.

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E. coli F4 and F5 antisera

E. coli F antisera consist of polyclonal antibodies produced in rabbits. The antisera are used for serotyping of E. coli fimbria antigens. E. coli expressing fimbria is associated with ETEC, and is a common problem in infants and pigs.

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E. coli H antisera

E. coli H antisera consist of polyclonal antibodies produced in rabbits. The antisera are used for serotyping af the 53 known E. coli H antigens. The agglutination assay provides a clear and precise result within two hours.

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E. coli OK O Pool Big Six

SSI Diagnostica offers an E. coli OK O pool that detects the STEC serogroups O26, O45, O103, O111, O121, and O145 by slide agglutination.

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E. coli OK O antisera for live culture produced in sheep

E. coli OK O antiserum consists of polyclonal antibodies produced in sheep. The antiserum is used for screening of O157 which is among the most pathogenic E. coli, including EPEC and VTEC. E. coli OK O antiserum provides an answer within 10 seconds. Therefore, it is an important part of quick diagnostic methods.

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E. coli K antisera for counter current immuno-electrophoresis and slide agglutination (RUO)

E. coli K antisera consist of polyclonal antibodies produced in rabbits. The antisera are used for serotyping of the 67 known E. coli K antigens.

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E. coli OK O antiserum for live culture

E. coli OK O antisera are suitable for screening for surface antigens on live cultures, and are particularly suited to test for known EPEC and/or VTEC serotypes.

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