Salmonella Strains
SSI Diagnostica sells a small selection of the most commonly occurring Salmonella strains.
Product description
The Salmonella strains are sold as live cultures in transport medium. The strains must be stored at 5 °C and resown within a week from receipt, as the culture cannot survive for any longer in the transport medium. All strains are serotyped before sale.
SSI Diagnostica offer some of the most commonly occurring Salmonella strains.
SSI Diagnostica have produced strains for several years and our skilled employees are ready to help you.
How to use
Salmonella strains are intended for research use or as positive/negative controls in assays.
Product Range
When purchasing bacterial strains, we kindly ask you to fill out a Material Transfer Agreement. Contact mail address:
Article number | Serotype | Antigen combi- nation according to Kaufmann White scheme | Antigen combination according to SSI Diagnostica |
82151 | S. Agona | 1,4,[5],12:f,g,s: [1,2]:[z27],[z45] | 4,12:f,g,s:- |
82152 | S. Braen- derup | 6,7,14:e,h:e,n, z15 | 6,7:e,h:e,n ,z15 |
82153 | S. Derby | 1,4,[5],12:f,g: [1,2] | 4,12:f,g:- |
82154 | S. Enteri- tidis | 1,9,12:g,m:- | 1,9,12:g,m:- |
82155 | S. Hadar | 6,8:z10:e,n,x | 6,8:z10:e, n,x,z16 |
82157 | S. Heidel- berg | 1,4,[5],12:r:1,2 | 4,5,12:r:1,2 |
82158 | S. Infan- tis | 6,7,14:r:1,5:[R1], [z37],[z45],[z49] | 6,7:r:1,5 |
82160 | S. Monte video | {6,7,14}{54}:g, m,[p],s:[1,2,7] | 6,7:g,m,s:- |
82161 | S. New- port | 6,8,20:e,h:1,2: [z67],[z78] | 6,8:e,h:1,2 |
82162 | S. Para- typhi A | 1,2,12:a:[1,5] | 1,2,12:a:- |
82163 | S. Saint- paul | 1,4,[5],12:e,h: 1,2 | 4,5,12:e,h: 1,2 |
82164 | S. Senf- tenberg | 1,3,19:g,[s],t:- [z27],[z34], [z37],[z43],[z45], [z46],[z82] | 1,3,19:g,s,t :z37 |
82165 | S. Stan- ley | 1,4,[5],12,27: d:1,2 | 4,5,12:d:1,2 |
82166 | S.Typhi- murium | 1,4,[5],12:i:1,2 | 4,12:r:1,2 |
82167 | S. Virc- how | 6,7,14:r:1,2 | 6,7:r:1,2 |
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We can usually do this within three weeks.
You should send the strain according to your internal legislation. The strain should be transported in an ordinary transport medium (Stuarts, Cary Blair, lyophilised or likewise), and the package should be marked with an UN number corresponding to the content of the package.
Please find the available downloads here.
Please, reach out if you have questions, comments or requests.