Bacterial Strains
Bacterial Strains
Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
If you wish to purchase bacterial strains from SSI Diagnostica, you need to fill in and sign a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) and send it back to us.
The MTA must be filled in by the end-user. If you are a distributor, you need to forward it to the end-user. The MTA is valid for one year.
Please contact strains@ssidiagnostica.com for more information about how to purchase bacterial strains from SSI Diagnostica.
Dangerous Goods
Our bacterial strains are shipped as dangerous goods UN3373.
Dangerous goods cannot be shipped with other items. If you order antisera and bacterial strains in the same order, we need to ship these as two separate shipments, and therefore we will also charge for two shipments.
The bacterial strain E. coli O157 (cat. No. 82292) falls into the category about dual-use and is subject to export control from the Danish Business Authority. This concerns countries outside the EU except for Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, and USA.
Therefore we need to apply for export authorization in order to export this bacterial strain to certain countries. The end-user needs to fill in this form https://eksportkontrol.erhvervsstyrelsen.dk/slutbrugererklaering and return it to ivdorders@ssidiagnostica.com.
Simpler for the better
If you work within the field of microbiology, you might be familiar with Occam’s Razor. At SSI Diagnostica, we champion a slightly adapted version of this principle:
The simplest solution is usually the best one.
Get in touch
Please, reach out if you have a question, comment or request.