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Chemical Indicators

The daily quality check of your sterilisation process.

Checking your temperature and time was sufficient. Easy reading of the test.

Chemical Indicators

Chemical indicators is to be used as your daily quality checkup.

Chemical indicators are easy to use, and easy to analyse. Place it in your steriliser during a run, and read the colour change when the run has completed.

The colourchange happens when the indicator has been exposed to the right temperature, expulsion, steampenetration ability, pressure and time depending on the sterilisation process. We offer chemical indicators for steam or dry heat.

oChemical indicators are class 5 and ISO 11140-1 compliant.

  • To be used daily
  • Easy to read the colour change
  • Chemical reaction indicates that the sterilisation process was started and reached the right temperature in the right amount of time

Chemical indicators are your daily quality check up

Chemical indicators are your daily quality check. For the full check of sterilisation process you need to run a biological indicator. Chemical indicators can never stand alone. If for some reason your chemical indicator fails – run a biological indicator before sending you steriliser to the mechanic.

Simpler for the better

If you work within the field of microbiology, you might be familiar with Occam’s Razor. At SSI Diagnostica, we champion a slightly adapted version of this principle:
The simplest solution is usually the best one.

Order Indicators Here

 With a biological and chemical indicators subscription, you:

  • Will receive certificates for approved test results
  • Can have the biological indicators cultured by our certified laboratory
  • Ensure safety for your patients and staff
  • Have a subscription scheme so you always have the indicators you need
  • Receive personal guidance and free biological indicators for re-testing test-positives
OBS: Subscriptions done on this page is only for Danish customers. If you are from outside Denmark please contact your sales rep. or write an email to


Please, reach out if you have questions, comments or requests.