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A carefully selected range of products for your clinic


We offer a diagnostic kit for urinary tract infections in dogs and cats plus manufacture a wide selection of high-quality microbiology culture media and reagents. In addition, we work closely with a range of carefully selected partners to offer indicators for hygiene certification and media for sampling and transport.

Based on decades of production experience and improvement of laboratory test results and efficiency, you can rest assured our offerings provide you accurate laboratory test results.

  • Diagnostic products as Flexicult Vet for urinary tract infection
  • Indicators for your hygiene certification
  • Transport and sampling material

Flexicult® Vet

Flexicult® Vet is a 24 hour culture test designed for diagnosing urinary tract infections (UTI) in dogs and cats.

  • Identify and quantitatively enumerate bacteria in the urine.
  • Predict the susceptibility of the bacteria against five antibiotics.

Sampling Materials and Transport Media

We offer products for the safe sampling and transport of diagnostic samples – from the time of collection to it is received at the laboratory.

Ready-Made Media

SSI Diagnostica has decades of experience in developing and producing high quality microbiology culture media. We manufacture a wide selection of the microbiology culture media and reagents you need for the optimal recovery, growth, and characterization of microorganisms. If you have specific needs, we are always available to assist you.

Our focus is on improving laboratory test results and increasing laboratory efficiency. When using our culture media you can be confident that laboratory test results received are accurate.

If you require a special medium or formulation, or require a nonstandard container or volume, our customer service team will be available to assist in your request.

Simpler for the better

If you work within the field of microbiology, you might be familiar with Occam’s Razor. At SSI Diagnostica, we champion a slightly adapted version of this principle:
The simplest solution is usually the best one.

Get in touch

Please, reach out if you have a question, comment or request.